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SPH Power at Work is here to provide you with the right skills that will fulfill your staffing needs. We will identify the requirements that are needed to fill the positions applied for by screening the applicants and making sure that all the necessary qualifications and skills are met before placing them in our database. We are unique and different from other recruitment agencies because we have the expertise and skills to assist you to recruit from our database of Canadian workers and international workers. We have the resources to offer employers a wide range of choices, increasing the potential to secure quality workers for specific sectors and plan for and implement small, medium, and large range projects. SPH Power at Work is all about people. That is why we have the passion to help you to meet your needs perfectly.
To get started, please contact SPH Power at Work today at (250) 314-6555!
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+001 250 314 6555
Mailing Address
Suite 200 - 535 Tranquille Road Kamloops, BC, Canada, V2B 3H5
SPH Northern Offices by Appointment
+001 250 319 7967