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With the demand of various large projects and specific industries there is a need. Immigration policies in Canada provide opportune sources for the Canadian workforce through internationally trained workers. Canada is a growing country and infrastructure development is still strong. This is the reason for the need for more infrastructures, housing and building, and transportation, which creates a high need for workers in this industry, both skilled and entry level workers who will be able to bring in the skills they have gained over the years to build a place for the future.
With carpenters, electricians, millwrights, long haul truck drivers, shipping and handling warehouse workers, SPH Power at Work can provide these human resource solutions.
Contact SPH Power at Work about Logistics Workers today. Tel: 1 855 5CALL SPH ( 1-855- 522 5577).
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+001 250 314 6555
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Suite 200 - 535 Tranquille Road Kamloops, BC, Canada, V2B 3H5
SPH Northern Offices by Appointment
+001 250 319 7967