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It is estimated that over 5 million people visit Canada each year to enjoy its spectacular landscapes, view wild life, and its diverse culture. Canada has some of the world's most famous places to visit, from the Rocky Mountains to Quebec City to the Yukon and everywhere in between.
Citizens of many countries can visit Canada without a visa, but there are other countries where citizens require a visa to visit Canada. Applicants for visitor visa from countries where a visa is required to enter Canada presents as a simple application, however it is a rigorous and detailed process that requires attention to detail to demonstrate that the intention of the temporary visa is for tourism to enjoy a visit to Canada for a limited period of time.
Call Us +001 250 314 6555
Mailing Address Suite 200 - 535 Tranquille Road, Kamloops, BC, Canada, V2B 3H5
SPH Northern Office by Appointment +001 778 220 2774